Luis Cabezon Manchado
Luis Cabezon Manchado
Hi @AllamSudhakara: I am currently using Metorikku and I am able to write to S3 parquet files. I am using this output's configuration: ```yaml - dataFrameName: df_name outputType: File format:...
Rigth now you could force using environment varaibles such as boolean to create empty dataframes. For example, you could query your dataframe as ```sql SELECT * FROM WHERE ${create_dataframe} =...
Hi, in deltastreamer this issue still exists :(
Hi @alexeykudinkin, Im using hudi 0.12.1 and spark 3.1.2. Im trying to execute this command: ``` spark-submit \ --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInRead=CORRECTED \ --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInWrite=CORRECTED \ --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.int96RebaseModeInRead=CORRECTED \ --conf spark.sql.legacy.parquet.int96RebaseModeInWrite=CORRECTED \...
Not in my case, Im still having this issue
Hi @Virmaline, it is quite strage. I have downloaded a full table on AWS that gives me 4 parquets (lets call them A, B, C, ,D). I have tested your...
Hi @Virmaline, I have checked other tables and looks like it cannot read more than four parquets. When I add four or more files, it shows my this error. Is...
Hi @calixtofelipe, which conf are you using to run it on AWS Glue? I mean not only spark.conf ``. Additional argument such as --extra-py-files and --extra-jars