Hi, i read all article below, but my question is very easy: Since Fusionsolar display all Fusioncharge date, how is possible to take same data in HA ? I need...
I can give access to a PC remotely to access the entire infrastructure, just organize
I have received full documentation from Huawey Support below [Northbound Modbus TCP Interconnection Protocol for AC Chargers.pdf]( [Solar.Inverter.Modbus.Interface.Definitions.v05.pdf]( [SmartPVMS 24.2.0 Northbound API Reference.pdf](
Hello, i'm going crazy because i shoud want integrate fusioncharge s22 into my Home Assistant Dashboard. I have a full control of my installation (i'm reseller too). Can you help...
> I am selling my SCharger. That thing can´t even do phase switching when configured in 11kW. Which means ?
> At this point I will not invest any time to add support for FusionCharge charger why not ?