Victoria Lubitch
Victoria Lubitch
@pdurbin Yes, for each file. Users want to have additional field (maybe called title) such that they can give more meaningful name (title) to originally uploaded file. In our case...
@pdurbin I see that doc/sphinx-guides/source/_static/api/ddi_dataset.xml does not have "Terms of Use" section it only has "Terms of Access". Should "Terms of Use" also be added there?
I added terms of use into ``doc/sphinx-guides/source/_static/api/ddi_dataset.xml``. It seems to pass all the test. there is also an example [test_term_of_use.txt]( hat attached to the issue #8715 Although it has extension...
I am not sure. It does not seem to affect anything, even cached xml files since it is import. The only think to add is that now users can import...
I haven't thought about harvesting, but you are right. Harvester client in HarvesterServiceBean uses ImportDDIServiceBean. So harvesting would be affected. I will add the note that you have suggested.
[export.txt]( I changed the extension from xml to txt since github would not add xml.
My colleague @JayanthyChengan found that Percentage category does not shows up because xsl tries to build bars in a cell for Percentages. By removing the bars and leaving $catgry-pct the...
Yes, if variable is weighted then it shows weighted percentage and it if is unweighted then it shows unweighted percentage. I opened a pull request to IQSS Harvard to incorporate...
Yes, of course.