Janka Uryga

Results 11 issues of Janka Uryga

making forms copy-pastable is a neat idea! but i feel like the same benefits could be achieved by simply **making web forms serializable** to any suitable format of choice, preferably...

**Feature request** Hi there! I've had no issues with other import/export stuff (under `--module`), but i was unable to get `export * as ns from "module"` to parse. I'm assuming...

modern syntax

First of all, thank you so much for writing this plugin! It saved me after my users noticed all the TinyMCE features missing from Gutenberg, especially indenting :) Unfortunately, per...

**Version**: 0.17.3 **Configuration**: HTTP redirect to existing webp **Additional details**: multisite install **Description**: Redirects work great for displaying in the browser -- `foo.jpg` is correctly redirected to `foo.jpg.webp`. However, when...

`simpleeval 0.9.10` So I just remembered that any valid assignment target can be used in a list comprehension! i.e. something like `[... for foo[0] in ...]` is valid syntax. ###...

next release

Hi, I can't seem to get a local file to load. (FF73, Windows 10). I entered a path like this in *Add Rule/Files*: ``` /C:/Users/me/Documents/path/to/script.js ``` This should work fine...

# Bug report **TLDR**: `ModuleFederationPlugin` won't expose a host's dependency to a remote if the dependency is an `external`. To be honest, I'm not completely sure if this is a...


Hi! I've been using Reform for a few days, and I like it! But I think `smart_up`/`smart_down`'s behavior could be slightly improved. Currently, this happens: (the `|` represents the cursor,...

design decision needed

## Summary Currently, if `react/compiler-runtime` is imported under "react-server" and `c()` (a.k.a`useMemoCache`) is called, it'll crash with `"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'H')"`. Instead, we'd likely want it to...

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