esp32-gameboy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
esp32-gameboy copied to clipboard

ESP32 Gameboy emulation based on Arduino


This is a port of to the Espressif ESP32 chip. and this project based on Arduino,and the SPI LCD the low speed.There's a better repo named Espeon( used for M5STACK.

What do I need to use this?

You will need:

  • A board containg an ESP32 chip and at least 4MB (32Mbit) of SPI flash, plus the tools to program it.
  • A backup of a GameBoy ROM game cartridge
  • A 320x240 ILI9341 display, controllable by a 4-wire SPI interface. You can find modules with this LCD by looking for '2.2 inch SPI 320 240 ILI9341' on eBay or other shopping sites.
  • A GPIO button

How do I hoop up my board?


=====  =======================
Pin    GPIO
=====  =======================
MISO   25
MOSI   23
CLK    19
CS     22
DC     21
RST    18
BCKL   5
=====  =======================

(BCKL = backlight enable)

(Make sure to also wire up the backlight and power pins.)

How do I program the chip?

rename GB ROM to

run rom2h.bat

run gameboy.ino
