Along with filtering, I think it would be good to add a cutoff to pose prediction if our slow pose fails to update within a certain timeframe to avoid the...
I made that change and I am now seeing ``` || Errno was set: 11 @ /home/lincoln/dev/ILLIXR/common/dynamic_lib.hpp:51[create] |> Message: dynamic_lib before dlopen terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'...
@charmoniumQ I am attempting to run illixr through the illixr driver within monado, so I have been testing by running `monado-cli probe` I have been able to use `` with...
So, continued looking at this, I apologize if this is way off but is this an issue? [Here]( we have `target_include_directories(drv_illixr PUBLIC ${ILLIXR_PATH})` which would require that ILLIXR_PATH points to...
I figured I was confusing myself, that makes sense.
So, I double checked by building with just ILLIXR driver enabled. Release build still ended up with the segfault so I rebuilt debug. Env variables: `printenv | grep ILLIXR ILLIXR_PATH=/home/lincoln/dev/ILLIXR/runtime/
Ah, I was thinking it was something along those lines, I hadn't got to comparing the Illixr/monado-integration driver to the monado/illixr driver quite yet. Thanks for all the help here.
@Hyjale Thanks, I cherry picked that commit into master and used monado.yaml to build the plugins, and I hit this error from the monado side `thread,140711047460608,threadloop,imu_integrator 1 elements passed, but...
@mhuzai that looks like it worked, now to figure out the multiple HMD on monado. Not sure how you want to resolve this issue as it seems most was user...
I think some of the confusion I had here was I didn't know there was specific documentation in the monado_integration github. I think I had looked through the regular illixr...