I'd just like to echo all the above, when loading resources from an external file it's a huge pain for the names to change every time you make a small...
Thanks for your suggestion nblumhardt, this does seem like a possible solution. How about applications that are running in a context that are more confined and cannot set environmental variables....
Unfortunately not, I'm try to use serilog to provide a logging service that is used by multiple applications and would like a single unified configuration. In log4net the 'appname' property...
I don't believe so, in the case I'm describing each application has it's own log4net context - so each app could have a property called "appname" with different value (i.e....
This use case describes a similar scenario to how I intend to use it. DiskCrasher - I've actually loaded my settings from a 'serilog.config' file that I've setup that's just...