Larry Susanka
Larry Susanka
I just updated my late-2013 15" MacBook Pro 11,3 to Monterey 12.6 from 12.5.1 (using to re-enable the graphics card) and now the free version of Aldente no longer...
By the way, when I say "no longer works" I mean that the charge light stays green all the time, at 100% even though Aldente was set to 80% (changed...
Update: I noticed that the finder toolbar item lost the discharge and top up buttons. I went to Activity Monitor and force-quit the AlDente process and restarted AlDente and they...
It stopped at 80% !!!! Hopefully, my comment will give a hint for the software creator.
Try this: fire up Applications/Utilities/Activity and select the AlDente process name. Go to the view menu and select quit process. Then restart AlDente. That is the exact thing I...
When it was not working but running my menu bar showed no "Top up plus" or "Discharge minus" at all, just the slider bar, charge limit percent box and general...
I too have been able to get it going again on two Monterey MacBook Pros (late 2013 and 2015) using some combination of discharging and restarting. Not completely sure which...