Logan Stellway

Results 9 comments of Logan Stellway

It sounds like this logic is going to be refactored ([reference](https://github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql-woocommerce/pull/371#pullrequestreview-532877663)). Here's a patch in case anyone is running into the same issue and wants a temporary fix: ``` diff...

I am experiencing this again - _(my patch became obsolete after updating)_. The [`tax_query` argument is set](https://github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql-woocommerce/blob/ddf7661ccfe5d883a155611a85b4fec7dbb7b909/includes/connection/class-products.php#L231-L238) when products are resolved. When stepping through the code with `xdebug`, the referenced...

Hi @edaveau ! Thank you for sharing the issue - I will plan to address when I have time, but feel free to open a PR if you are available...

@jckefan I am planning to focus more attention on a newer project: [Acert](https://github.com/lstellway/acert). This utility provides the ability to parse IP addresses from a `--san` argument. The best option for...

I'm just starting to play with getting this up and running. I was able to successfully deploy the following `operator.yml` locally with Kubernetes `v1.21.1`. The primary differences I saw were...

Seeing the same deprecation notices on PHP `8.1.2`. Looks like it's complaining purely about the [rmccue/requests](https://packagist.org/packages/rmccue/requests) package. The current dependency requires version `^1.8` ([reference](https://github.com/wp-cli/wp-cli/blob/f94e77d4563c66c04b582eb9fa8b4652b11ed0c2/composer.json#L14)). The package is now at `2.0.1`....

@hongkongkiwi ~~It looks like the script uses an undocumented `BACKUP_INTERVAL` environment variable, defaulting to `42` seconds _([reference](https://github.com/elementar/docker-s3-volume/blob/014b843a2c6d1e63c2aac79f045630283ea1891d/watch#L82))_. I believe that should be able to give the functionality you are looking...

I believe the `S3_SYNC_FLAGS` environment variable would be able to accomplish this _([inline reference](https://github.com/elementar/docker-s3-volume/blob/014b843a2c6d1e63c2aac79f045630283ea1891d/watch#L64))_.

Additional notes ... ### QEMU script I came across [this script from the qemu/qemu repo](https://github.com/qemu/qemu/blob/36e9aab3c569d4c9ad780473596e18479838d1aa/scripts/qemu-binfmt-conf.sh) _(via [this article](https://dev.to/asacasa/how-to-set-up-binfmtmisc-for-qemu-the-hard-way-3bl4))_ for setting up QEMU. The script has an [option specific to setting...