Lance Samaria

Results 11 issues of Lance Samaria

``` Xcode 11.2.1 Swift 5 ARVideoKit (~> 1.5.51) iPhone 7+ ARSCNView ``` I have the vc setup the same exact way that you have it in your [sample project]( except...

Hello, I wanted to use the Multipeer Connectivity framework but there is a limit of 8 peers per session. That isn't ideal for my app. I came across a post...

### Platform iOS 13.1 and 13.2 ### In app purchase type - [ ] Consumable ### Environment - [ ] Sandbox ### Version SwiftyStoreKit (0.15.0) // installation: pod 'SwiftyStoreKit' ###...

type: bug
status: needs analysis
area: purchase flows
difficulty: intermediate

Please consider submitting the following information (if relevant): • Library setup method: CocoaPods • Version of the library. pod 'Cosmos', '~> 22.1' • Xcode version. 11.5 • OS version. Example:...

Please consider submitting the following information (if relevant): * Library setup method: CocoaPods * Version of the library. pod 'Cosmos', '~> 22.1' * Xcode version. 11.5 * OS version. Example:...

I have several videos that I stitch together using an AVMutableComposition(). After it's done the only way that I found to pass it to the NextLevelSessionExporter was to add it...

FlagPhoneNumber', '0.7.8' I'm using the above pod v '0.7.8'. In pod s0.7.6 and below I used the `flagButtonEdgeInsets` property like so: ``` lazy var phoneNumberTextField: FPNTextField = { // NKVPhonePickerTextField...

The FPNTextField() has 3 components that assist it when the user decides to enter their phone number: 1. tapping the flag itself triggers the pickerView to show all the flags...

-Line 114 added: self.delegate = self // sets itself as the UITextFieldDelegate -Line 121 added: addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldTapped), for: .editingChanged) // detects when textField is tapped set in Lines 451...

Is there a way to set altitude in addition to lat/lon?