Louis Rossouw
Louis Rossouw
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The new way to share data is here: https://sacoronavirus.co.za/live-counter/ Not via the NICD page so my scraper will need to...
I wanted to see how the upwards [revised Wuhan mortality data](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/17/china-denies-cover-up-as-wuhan-coronavirus-deaths-revised-up-50) may be affecting the IFRs by age in Verity et al. (2020). I guess the IFRs may be directly...
``` r library(glmnetUtils) set.seed(123456) data 1 -0.1149001 #> 2 0.1461569 #> 3 -0.1149001 #> 4 0.1461569 #> 5 -0.2340375 #> 6 0.2652943 model_2 lambda.min #> 1 -0.1151198 #> 2 0.1459328...
For new members in my team I drill in the importance of ensuring that you do not commit data (or sensitve stuff like API keys) to the repo. I think...