Lasse R.H. Nielsen

Results 772 comments of Lasse R.H. Nielsen

I've read the JS proposal and the article it links to. I'm still not convinced that what's described is a good idea for Dart. The article does say that algebraic...

So, to be clear: A full, typed and sound, implementation of algebraic effects, would very powerful. However, the "full" implementation means being able to capture continuations. All the "you don't...

Names starting with `_` can also be library names, which have no notion of privacy. (And are not accessible to the program without using `dart:mirrors` anyway.) I'm fairly sure that...

The use case `C(this._x)` works today. We never prohibited private names for positional parameters, because the name is only visible inside the method anyway. At least from a language perspective,...

I do not propose that you can write `this.x` to initialize `int _x;`. I propose that you write `this._x` to initialize `int _x;`, and then we give the parameter a...

I would indeed want `as` for #1311. I also like it for this, but the two do not combine well (the #1311 `as` changes the internal variable, this one changes...

@eernstg That looks like what I'd want. We should probably also say, informally, that DartDoc can use either the private or the public name to refer to a parameter (and...

Agree, the `A` constructor doesn't have a parameter named `_x`, only one named `x`, so that's the name `B` class should use. The `_x` name is only used internally in...

I love it. I'll nit it anyway, but ship it! Maybe mention explicitly that identifiers like `_2`, where the `_` is not followed by an identifier, also doesn't have a...

For the record, I have found myself writing enums with both `,` and `;`: ```dart enum Foo { something(Multiple, "arguments", here), other(Multiple, "arguments", here), more(Multiple, "arguments", here), ; // ......