The equivalent of curl's `--resolve` command line argument. Thanks!
What could be causing this issue? I created the user and it seems to have worked, but then delete fails: ``` In [30]: aduser.ADUser.from_cn("lrhazi-test").delete() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call...
Is there a way to disable "Ctrl-Q" or force it to prompt for confirmation before quitting the session? or can I map the action to detach instead of quitting? Thanks...
Trying to install fails with error: ``` ERROR: Attribute: browser_download_url for linux-x86_64-legacy.tar.xz version latest not found ``` It seems this is because the tar balls for legacy glibc has two...
Why would I be getting this error trying to call ``` client = ZoomClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET) client.user.get_settings(id=user_id) ``` ``` AttributeError: 'UserComponentV2' object has no attribute 'get_settings' ``` am using the latest...
Trying to figure out how to set an account to "never expire" ? Microsoft has a PowerShell command "Clear-ADAccountExpiration", but how to do this over LDAP ? Thanks a lot!
Little nitpick: ``` CDK Imperative (consequences? code flow etc.) ``` I think "imperative" means more like calling APIs to create the resources, while "declarative" means just stating which resources one...
I cannot build this container any more and it does not seem to be maintained. Anybody knows of an alternative? Thank you so much!
The Readme mentiosn this option, but it does not seem to be supported. Was it added in a newer version? ``` # /usr/local/sbin/syncoid --version /usr/local/sbin/syncoid version 2.2.0 (Getopt::Long::GetOptions version 2.52;...