Lakshmi Ramachandran
Lakshmi Ramachandran
Do you have multiple versions of the stanford-core-nlp gem? Then maybe the jar is in one of the alternate version's bin folder. Did you happen to check this?
I thought I had the JVM error fixed, but when I ran my app today I got the can't create Java VM error on the stanford-core-nlp-0.3.0 gem. Infact when I...
I saw that you'd reported that the JVM error could be caused by insufficient RAM. I think this could be the cause, since our app was moved to a new...
The system has about 151MB free, and when I looked up Stanford NLP's page I found that it would need at least 2GB of memory. Could this probably be why...
The JVM seems to be getting created now, but I am facing a problem with the stanford-core-nlp gem. When I run the following line on the console I get the...
Hi Louis, I dont think I can upgrade to the latest version of the stanford NLP gem, since my app runs Ruby 1.8.7, with which the latest gem version may...
Thanks! I will try that out!