It seems that react hammerjs not support this event. Do you have any plans to support it?
How to use it in nodejs?
### This issue is unique. - [X] I have used the [search tool](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors/issues?q=) and did not find an issue describing my idea. ### Your idea. I'm interested in leveraging OnlyOffice...
### This issue is unique. - [X] I have used the [search tool](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors/issues?q=) and did not find an issue describing my idea. ### Your idea. I am keen on harnessing...
**Describe your problem**: I am keen on harnessing the capabilities of OnlyOffice to produce PDF documents for my clients. Despite an overwhelmingly positive overall experience, I've stumbled upon a performance...
**Describe your problem**: I run the example code of C++ BUILDER.FRAMEWORK api, but got a segment fault error on this line 'CContext oContext = oBuilder.GetContext();' ` // Main function int...