> I tried to use the new version you wrote, but an error was reported after entering Chmod + X. / run.sh. I tried the first version of easy matrix...
> 【chmod: : unable to read files / homeserver.yaml: there is no file or directory】 > I'm also curious why the first version can run. I just reentered the command...
Your machine is too weird. Why run `chmod +x ./run.sh` will throw such error about homeserver.yaml? And this command is not necessary if you can run the `./run.sh` directly.
OK, There is two versions for you: [v0.1](https://github.com/545641826/easy-matrix-wechaty/releases/tag/v0.1) and [v0.2](https://github.com/545641826/easy-matrix-wechaty/releases/tag/v0.2).
@yswtrue Are you interesting to be next user of [easy-matrix-wechaty](https://github.com/545641826/easy-matrix-wechaty). It's easy for you. Your evaluation will be a valuable reference for further development.
> Is the service started by running this command [docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d]? The service cannot start after I run it please attach the log, let me see see.
> 【docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d】 > `easymatrixwechaty_matrix-appservice-wechaty_1 is up-to-date Starting easymatrixwechaty_synapse_1` Which mean that you have started the synapse successfully. > 【docker-compose exec synapse register_new_matrix_user http://localhost:8008 -c /data/homeserver.yaml -u...
Normally, a docker image will not work unstable, because the components and environment are certain; but in this docker image, the server will auto-download the newest "wechaty-puppet-xxx" component when we...
@ericmigi Thank you for your support and encouragement. You can provide support for the planned servers through [open collective](https://opencollective.com/wechaty). We will also promote [beeper](https://www.beeper.com/) when we promote the community matrix...
It seem to be a interesting bug about async, let's delay it.