@zrn-fight How is the progress of the project deployment this week?
Oh, you have misunderstood the purpose of the project.There is no domain name and registered server are required. You can run it without any modify.
And, did the original deployment plan encounter any problems? We can discuss any problems you encounter during the deployment process here. (Sometimes you need to explain your problems in other...
@zrn-fight Please speak freely here. I hope you can evaluate these deployment scripts from the perspective of a new user as a reference for my next modification. If you encounter...
> OK.After I typed docker-compose run --rm -e SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME=$HOST -e SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=yes synapse generate on the virtual machine,there was an error that I haven't solved.Errors are reported as follows: > 【ERROR:...
Would you please run `ls` or `tree -L 3` command on your work directory to provide more information?
>  > After I typed sudo sed -e 's/#app_service_config_files/app_service_config_files/' -e '/app_service_config_files/a\ - /data/wechaty-registration.yaml' -i files/homeserver.yaml,an error appears as shown in the picture.【sed: unable to read files / homeserver.yaml: there...
I guess the admin user is not allowed to execute docker commands by default, like the root in centos. In this script, all commands that do not start with `sudo`...
@zrn-fight OK, I have writen a new version for you, please try it as soon as possible and give me a reply. see: [easy-matrix-wechaty](https://github.com/545641826/easy-matrix-wechaty)