Lucas Pirola Dias
Lucas Pirola Dias
- [x] Add react-intl support - [x] Setup intl message to be included into es5 build - [x] Setup how to get user default language - [ ] Create file... ## Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](
Hello, in this PR I tried to do maintenance only, except by 'yarn' change. Let me know if you found that helpful.
This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of...
This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of...
This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of...
This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of...