Lee Perry
Lee Perry
ERB snippets don't work as expected. cmd+shift+> doesn't toggle. if+tab doesn't enclose code in end + tab has a has a dash else+tab generates php Ruby/Rails completion just not that...
Using Model::search($query, null, true, true)->get(); I get this response: { "errors": { "message": "A non-numeric value encountered:/var/www/html/vendor/nicolaslopezj/searchable/src/SearchableTrait.php:63", "error_code": "UNKNOWN" } } Is this because the Primary key is not an...
I've just started getting this error today, this code hasn't changed in weeks and has been working fine. I have done a composer update this morning but cant think of...
In "Mix queries" using the where before the search generates a SQL Error: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate moving the where after...
Im using tinymce-rails 4.1.0 with rails rails 4.1.4 I've followed the setup instruction and the first time I go to the page the editor shows, however if I navigate away...