Lazaro Periera
Lazaro Periera
I appear to be having this issue as well. I did some poking and what I am seeing is that ansible is sending the vm creation command twice in the...
I have found a duct tape work around. What I have been successfully able to do it make the first VM in the loop be a dummy(configured but a throwaway)....
I happened to run into this thread looking for a way to use libzt in python. Looked at swig documentation and I think you may want to look at this....
Im having the same issue here
I have the same issue. We have over a hundred vlans and we have hit the ansible timeout more than once which has caused the config to fail partway through...
I tried to do it with the above but I get this : ``` fatal: [TEST-TOR01]: FAILED! => changed=false command: interface vlanvlan msg: |- interface vlanvlan