Laurent Pellegrino
Laurent Pellegrino
Here is the command used: ``` docker build --build-arg plugins=ratelimit -t local/caddy ``` and the ouput error: > can't load package: package caddy: > ratelimit.go:2:10: invalid import path: ""...
Using a background color with some alpha (e.g. `#99fe0038`) when the shadow attribute value is set to true reveals two circles: one for the floating action button and another inside...
I a using `mixinStandardHelpOptions` with a command and subcommands. This is really convenient. The issue I have is that this mixin adds a version option with default names defined as...
Using ColorPicker version _1.1.0_ with an Android app that makes use of AndroidX, I am getting the following ClassCastException: > java.lang.ClassCastException: my.package.SettingsActivity cannot be cast to > at
This library is fantastic. ESM module imports are now supported by major browsers. It would be really convenient to add support for such imports with ip-num.
For performance and security reasons, this patch opens external links using `rel="noopener"` when target is defined and other than `_self`. More details about the reason for this patch are available...
Kramdown supports custom target per link with their _extensions_ syntax: ``` [link](url){:target="_blank"} ``` It would be really handy to have similar built-in support with remarkable. Here are some references: -...
For performance and security reasons, it would be really convenient to add an option that allows specifying rel="noopener" for external links: Especially, when the link target is specified in...
### Expected behavior :smile_cat: Individual functions import with ECMAScript modules work in browsers. ### Actual behavior :crying_cat_face: Global import using default export for voca is working: ``` import voca from...
I got this error when using _Slack_ notifier on Ubuntu 15.10 with OpenJDK 8.