Qiaolong CAI
Qiaolong CAI
> hi I've tried this yolo training and testing script (just sharing). For fine-tuned (custom dataset), I recommend u using a custom dataset, maybe with the roboflow platform, because the...
Thank you for replying. I will check it. > cause i just used 1 class "person class", i just change the names variable as "names = {0:person}". I dont remember...
> > 问题已解决,需要重新生成的qrc文件转换为py文件,然后再ui转换的py文件import生成的qrc转换的py文件 > > 你好,能仔细讲解一下,没看懂。具体怎样更换这些图标 @xxxjjjx @xing-bing Let me explain it by taking an example of changing an icon: 1. Edit the .ui file (.ui file could open with...