Results 25 issues of mathew

The `NameIDPolicy` element and `Format` attribute are optional as per SAML spec. However, `build_request.go` always creates them, even if no value has been specified in `SAMLServiceProvider.NameIdFormat`. This results in a...

Turning part of #16 into a standalone item. > In case the mime type cannot be determined from the extension by the mime.TypeByExtension method, ServeContent will try to infer from...


The [IPv6 patch]( should fix pure-IPv6 use without breaking pure-IPv4. However, it's not quite the full story, as there are some additional improvements needed to deal better with dual-stack hosts....

This PR adds support for the [Goldmark]( renderer. Reasons why: - Standard CommonMark support. - GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) support, since GFM [is based on CommonMark]( - Easy to extend,...

``` % certigo verify --name=REDACTED -f pem server2019.csr panic: runtime error: index out of range goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7ffc75d487a2, 0x18, 0x0, 0x0, ...) /home/meta/go/src/

Any thoughts on generating HTML5 rather than HTML4? Maybe as a configurable option? There can't be that many people still needing to support IE8 and below.

I've boiled it down to a pretty simple example, and can't see what I'm doing wrong: ``` val downcase = object: FieldRenamer { override fun fromJson(fieldName: String): String { return...

I tried this library as a drop in stdlib replacement and found that with our data, it was slightly worse than stdlib in both memory and speed. So I thought...

Trying to install using `go install` as mentioned in the README: ``` > go install go: 'go install' requires a version when current directory is not in a module...

FYI, there seems to be an issue with the README as displayed at -- at the Usage heading, the whole thing turns into a mess of verbatim markdown. It's...