lowy zhang

Results 10 comments of lowy zhang

很好 暂停之后CPU占用明显降低

Sorry, I don't know what's the developer tools. So I don't know how to submit bug. I print CPod message on the terminal, I hope to help you. sysytem: Debian...

Use the theme is old years, distro from manjaro to debian arch mint, WM from xfce to budgie cinnamon, hope it's better.

这个吗 ![ufx2fym6b2](https://github.com/SivanLaai/rime-pure/assets/6565177/2872ac2b-4019-4457-b144-77c81e7e3e4f) 借楼希望再添加一个17键的皮肤 同百度输入法不过用的是小鹤双拼 ![下载7](https://github.com/SivanLaai/rime-pure/assets/6565177/0e7c45a4-d553-4d6e-897f-676c0a426502)

楼上的朋友问题解决了吗 ? 一样一样的

sohu插件没问题 问题出在bilibili插件 Initialize settings... Initialize API for Python... Initialize language support... libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect...

找到原因了 是缩进的地方混用了tab跟空格导致的

貌似还是不行 you-get现在不能连接bilibili啦?

> 点击插件就是一片文本。难道是将文本复制到本机还是另有其它方法? git clone https://github.com/coslyk/moonplayer-plugins.git ~/.local/share/moonplayer/plugins

小白 没搞懂 有没有谁能说明一下 到底哪些是站内源 哪些是直播源 哪些又是解析源 有点傻傻分不清楚