John McCall

Results 15 comments of John McCall

It would be great to be able to access this role via a collection! It does seem to be the direction Ansible is encouraging

I like [ola] and [OlaMaint] as well, but [OlaMS] triggers my mind to go straight to MS = Microsoft due to how it is used in some system objects, so...

For the asset piece of the puzzle, I've found (yet another) no-config bot that might work well - [AccessLint]( which checks for alt text and other areas that are key...

That's correct. In our setup we aren't quite able to utilize the full fledged CI/CD workflow currently, so we're just relying on the `Install-DboScript` command to do migrations. Comparing the...

Some digging seems to indicate the problem is more precisely below. ``` The script just couldn't today. At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\dbareports\0.9.0\functions\Add-DbrAgentJob.ps1:154 char:4 + throw "The script just couldn't today." + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

My Windows 2022 builds are so slow that they're repeatedly timing out and/or having issues provisioning resources. Works fine with 2019.

D'oh! I'm curious how that worked in the first place. Unfortunately, after fixing it still is [erroring out](

This would be very useful to have as a rule! +1

Yeah, the breaking change aspect does make it a bit more nuanced. This is probably a low-priority change, but might be useful to integrate for new rules that create/alter tables...