
Results 21 issues of lovodkin93

Hello, I am trying to reproduce your results of the Pascal layer. But it appears the results I am getting are worse than the results acquired by the vanilla version....

Hello, I would like to reproduce the results described in the HAWQ-v3 paper for the QAT scenario, specifically those describing the results of running the ResNet50 model on the CIFAR10...

Hello, I am trying to implement your quantization method in my system (`Q(r)=Int(r/S) + Z`), and I keep having very weird behavior. going through your code - I saw that...

Hello, I have used your QAT model to quantize to different bitwidths, but I saw that the quantizations were always to FP values, even if they were quantized (e.g., if...

Hello, I am trying to perform a QAT on a ResNet50 network with BN layers, and I keep getting the following error: ``` ValueError: Shape must be rank 4 but...

Hello, I have tried to make my model comaptible with QAT, according to your guideline. I started with defining a QuantizeConfig class: ``` LastValueQuantizer = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantizers.LastValueQuantizer MovingAverageQuantizer = tfmot.quantization.keras.quantizers.MovingAverageQuantizer class...

Hello, I would like to train my model in a QAT scenario. But from what I understand, during QAT, only the Forward pass calculations are done in quantized mode, whereas...

Hey, I am using the quantization Wrapper and keep getting the following warning: ``` WARNING:tensorflow:AutoGraph could not transform and will run it as-is. Please report this to the TensorFlow team....


following issue #363, I have tried to do what you suggested, but I am a bit confused as to how to do it. My confusion stems from the fact that...

Hello, I would like to use any of the quantizers that inherit from `WeightQuantProxyFromInjector`, but I would like to change the quantization formula, namely the `impl` in ['impl`'](https://github.com/Xilinx/brevitas/blob/master/src/brevitas/proxy/parameter_quant.py#L143) (or alternatively...