Thanks for reporting, please update to the latest version of night mode. This issue has been resolved. (Note: Disabled addons do not auto update) There is also a new version...
Had to look it up myself. It's caused by the [character length limit here](https://github.com/glutanimate/popup-dictionary/blob/main/src/popup_dictionary/web/popup.js#L138).
That's common when you screw with the count that is different from what the server expects. Something simple like this should solve it. https://github.com/lovac42/Cardistry/blob/master/src/cardistry.py#L66 (not apgl)
Thx I'll check it out
The fix was easy, but I'm not sure how to design it. MAB doesn't log properly, it triggers ReMemorize and double logs the reschedules. I have two possible versions, replace...
MAB had like 3 or 4 previous authors. Its harder to code when you are influenced by other people's ideas. When you are developing on top of existing code, on...
@Z1839 : This issue should be resolved as of ReMemorize v1.1.4. Thanks for reporting.
It should not related. No change has been made to the hoochie addons other than making it look more pretty and hoochie.
People are just going to skim through those descriptions. Making the text too long with general mumbo jumbo would encourage such behavior. So it should be Anki or Ankiweb that...
on 2.1, drawing operations are moved to ```ts_redraw``` which also calls ```ctx.clearRect```. This is basically clearing the canvas and redrawing the paths each time the mouse moves. So once you...