Hi since the code you shared train the model only on the front view of 90, how to train the net on Lidar data which is the full view of...
I want to test this net on my own lidar data. Could you give me the source code which is used to convert to input_data?
Hi, I have a trouble about network compression. for alexnet, we can compressed it, but how can we use the compressed model? If we decompress it to use, then we...
I change the solver.prototxt as follows. But the trainer does not stop when the iter is 3000, Why?
net: "TRAIN_FILE" base_lr: 0.000001 lr_policy: "step" gamma: 0.1 stepsize: 100000 display: 20 max_iter: 3000 momentum: 0.9 weight_decay: 0.0005 snapshot: 1000 snapshot_prefix: "SOLVERSTATE_DIR/caffenet_train" random_seed: RANDOM_SEED device_id: DEVICE_ID solver_mode: GPU