Hi! I just came across this PR via this issue: https://github.com/pydata/patsy/issues/26 Is this still the PR that would solve that issue? Is there a way that I can help here?
I agree autodiscovery deserves mention, and I think this could slot in pretty easily to the bottom of section 3. How about the following? > Sometimes it's possible to subscribe...
@genmon Appreciate the extremely thoughtful and detailed reply! Definitely helpful for me to understand your thinking and I suspect it will form the backbone of the content we end up...
@NicolasShoFischer the solution [here](https://github.com/Figma-Linux/figma-linux-font-helper/issues/31#issuecomment-1168091007) may work for you.
Thank you @lab360-ch for the fix and @ChugunovRoman for the quick merge! If anyone else sees this, note that this won't fix the version that is installed because (as of...
@huzaifahj I forgot a few things the first go-around: 1. Didn't update version number in `Cargo.toml` 2. Didn't update the urls in `res/updater.sh`, so the auto-updates were pulling the latest...
Try the solution in #30 : ```curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/louispotok/figma-linux-font-helper/master/res/install.sh | bash```
@skyyy777 @getdir Unfortunately I don't have any great ideas. I would try deleting all the files and services associated with the previous installation. I believe (on my machine) these are...
Took a crack at this, it seems pretty straightforward? If this looks right I can do the same for dropForeign and dropPrimary and add tests as well. https://github.com/knex/knex/compare/master...louispotok:knex:drop-unique-if-exists
@kibertoad Does this look like the right direction?