This has happened again over the weekend (nearly) all my ha-bridge devices have just disappeared from the Alexa app. Interestingly a few seem to have stayed this time.
This happened again overnight. Yesterday everything was working fine. This morning all ha-bridge devices lost by alexa. Turned all bar one alexa off and did re-discovery and all came back....
I'm getting it happening over every weekend - can't believe it is just is two!
The problem seems to be getting worse for me. My Ha-bridge devices have been disappearing from Alexa pretty much on a daily basis lately - yesterday it happened twice. I've...
Is that documented somewhere? Does each device need to be added or is that the only entry required?
thanks for the reply - so is this a replacement for HA-Bridge?
so I just create that file in the habridge data directory and list every device?
I know I'm asking a lot of questions - do you include each device in the configuration.yaml file or just the info for the bridge? If I enter http://locahost:80/api/v2/lights I...
I tried to create the file with 1 device and all my devices disappeared from ha-bridge and alexa reported the devices as not responding. Removed the file and restored the...
So in your example switch.socket_airconditioner: name: "air" hidden: false what is telling alexa what to do when you say "Air on"?