Hi @rmosolgo, did you have any more thoughts on implementing a callback within `delete_subscription`? I'd like to do some cleanup when someone closes a subscription.
Is this still unresolved?
@kashiftufail i'm not sure what you're asking, can you rephrase?
Hey guys, I've left this for so long, apologies for going awol. If people are still keen I can put some time to bringing the repo and gem up to...
Hi Neil I'll take a look at that for you over the weekend On 16 Jun 2012, at 08:01, Neil [email protected] wrote: > I just tried workless in my Rails...
Well that was a long weekend. I'm sorry about that Neil, did you ever get to the bottom of it or have another go with the latest gem?
Apologies for my absence and in getting back to you. Is this still an issue you see with the latest version of the gem?