No in fact even without webpackConfigPath from NativeScriptConfig... The warning and error are still there... Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './src' in '/Volumes/Data/project/apps/nativescript-app' I don't really know why ./src...
Waw... It took me days to find out what happened... !!! async keyword is breaking all webpack build process and it probably takes then the by default webpack config ......
About local plugins to handlefrog nx and app... I wonder what is the best practices with local npm custom nativescript plugins. Previously in NS6, I've used root folder called ->...
Ah and I tried with that plugins folder from the workspace root...but then some defined java flies are not compiled correctly and I've got some static error with interface declared...
Nope still wrong... in any location... java classes are not compiled as it were before with NS6... god dam*** I get error message like -> Error executing Static Binding Generator:...
I think the brutal and clean way of solving this -> is to not use anymore a file with a ".tns.ts" suffix. You should declare 2 differents src/folders into your...
Same kind of issue here... inside RadDrawer HeaderView ScrollView --features --settings space Logout buttonView on bottom It makes me logout if I clic anywhere but no reaction when I clic...
Same here 9.0.0-RC2 Angular 14.2 Bootstrap 5.2... tooltips and popovers doesn't work anymore... Tried with container="body" boundariesElement="viewport" or with/without placement="bottom" etc.... It seems without placement, something happened but totally wrong...
> same here with bootstrap 5.2,tooltips are shown behind buttons,fixed reverting to Bootstap 5.1.3 Indeed...but then I get back the warning (2446:3) autoprefixer: Replace color-adjust to print-color-adjust. The color-adjust shorthand...
And this solves the warning issue ->