Same here... I hate iOS... it's always before my public release that this kind of fuc*** skd14 is making me crazy.... I cannot publish an app with clear password.... please...
I've temporary replace all my "secure" MD input with simple NS Textfield....the secure is ok for those one.
@vahidvdn Are you using **router-outlet** or **page-router-outlet** ? It seems **page-router-outlet** handles correctly this issue and **router-outlet** not...unfortunately.
Ok maybe it’s not related to type of router outlet in your case. Anyway, considering my issue, I’ve just replaced router outlet by page router outlet in my TabView’s children...
Hi NS team, I'm also currently doing my best to finally migrate all my big codebase to brand new nx workspace... To be honest, it's a bit hard ... I...
Hi Nathan, Thanks for your fast answer. I appreciate it. So for instance with one of my helper so called **app.service.ts** with a single method called **getElementById** for the sake...
Is the **NativeScriptConfig** and **shared** attribute is still functioning with NS8 ? And can be use to retrieve the auto .tns.ts suffix discrimination ? between app.service.tns.ts and app.service.ts event from...
Ok thanks ! I was also thinking to go into the XplatWindow direction. Then perfect, I'll go to this injection token best practices. Indeed add tokens + factories to each...
Hi Nathan, Ok ;) thanks a lot for all your advices! I'm not building yet the apps ui part or env stuffs because I'm still dispatching specific and shared stuffs...
Re Nathan, mmm sorry to bother you again... I've got weird errors from Webpack :( So now everything should be setup and ready to go for the mobile part ......