
Results 4 issues of losfree

I'm using capstone to disassemble bin files, my code is similar like capstone/cstool/cstool.c, running on ubuntu20.04/x64 for some test bin files built on ubuntu20.04/x64, there's no problem yet but for...

It seems there's duplicate lines 46、47 in /cstool/cstool.c Does it truly make any sense or just a mistake ![789](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48171774/119796442-f4f25600-bf0b-11eb-8e60-e164e08f84f4.png)

I'd like to make a simple calculator based on mathjs ,only + - * / and evaluate, but it seems I dont get correct usage of custom bundle. when following...

help wanted

I'd lilke to get it on ubuntu 18.04 by Native Build, but I'm not sure code in step2 which is `git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch master https://github.com/lifting-bits/remill.git` `..........` `${TRAILOFBITS_LIBRARIES}/cmake/bin/cmake...
