Lorenzo Dalla Muta
Lorenzo Dalla Muta
+1 this is a typescript issue (see #18 to see what happens if you ignore this issue and run the project). I guess this plugin doesn't support typescript, not sure...
I'll add it here because I think it's the same issue: rtl with lazyLoad will load on unloaded cards. So I guess the plugin doesn't mark properly the cards as...
I'm not sure if this is being worked on, I did some logging and I figured I could at least note down what I found. I forced `isSupportedBrowser` (currently located...
I keep seeing comments suggesting fixes and possible solution, can we all agree that: 1) if styled properly (see screenshot below for inspiration) the images display fine with one side...
> I've noticed that my react server components are not caching the way I want to yet and I think this is related to how next-drupal fetches content (nextjs cache-control...
> Yes, I set the next.revalidate to 3600 but haven't had success with that yet. It worked fine with other pages in the site that rely on S3 json resources...
In `packages/next-drupal/src/types/drupal.ts` I see this snippet: `const items = options.deserialize ? this.deserialize(data) : data const { items: tree } = this.buildMenuTree(items)` where items is typed as `any` because data is...