Tomasz Lorenc

Results 31 comments of Tomasz Lorenc

@skevy WIll you update this preset to babel 7?

I rather thing about using it with React Native. and Exchange on-premise.

Do you plan to add unmanaged features in future?

Thanks for answer. I found that Lasse Hynninen added Multitips inside his banch: Will try to add this by myself.

Go to `Build Settings` Find `Preprocessor Macros` To `Debug` add new value: `FB_SONARKIT_ENABLED=1`

Remove this: `"$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME)", "$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift-5.0/$(PLATFORM_NAME)"` Add dummy / empty swift file. Will create bridge file if not exist. Leave the file within the project.

I had the same issue. The step above resolved my issue. Sorry that I couldn't help you :(

Last idea. Add this to Podfile ``` # Post Install processing for Flipper def flipper_post_install(installer) installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| if == 'YogaKit' target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.1' end end...

As far I know it's not possible. But you can create `AppName-Bridging-Header.h` file. Then go to `Build Settings` and under `Swift Compiler - General` find option `Objective-C bridging Header` Add...