@Hogarth-MMD Why do you want to store the English names on the ShapeKey itself? I said that this is not possible, but there is a work-around, we can use a...
@Hogarth-MMD If what you want to accomplish is that, it could be possible by providing a custom button on the panel to create a shapekey, as well as controls to...
@Hogarth-MMD That's because you have added the attribute not the each shapekey but to the [Key](http://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_74_5/bpy.types.Key.html) datablock that contains all the shapekeys. Just don't keep trying to add an attribute...
@sugiany I'm glad to see you are back, it has been more than a month since your last commit. I can implement the language switch feature, leave it to me,...
Hi @ZetaHunter like @sugiany said the renaming of bones and materials to English is a low priority feature, but definitely it will be implemented, I personally will implement it, but...
@Hogarth-MMD You should be able to create and edit vertex morphs, it's working for me. To create a vertex morph you need to click the plus button that is on...
@iRi-E @r1cebank I'm mentioning here all developers to let them now that the project is being maintained by @powroupi Please help us to continue with the project.
@r1cebank When I saw the notification email, for a moment I thought thought that maybe sugiany was back... Anyway it's good to have another dev working on the project. In...
I know this may come late. But the project is currently being maintained here https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools/tree/dev_test Please report further issues there
The project is now being maintained here https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools/tree/dev_test Please submit further issues there. Thanks