> Could you explain how a non programmer/malacious actorcould exploit this? Ehem, normally malicious actors are indeed programmers (black hat hackers to be precise). Anyway, I took a look at...
> afaik we only store key value pair keys in shared prefs, could you show where the encrypted key part is stored? 🤔 afaik if you are not using encrypedSharedPrefs,...
This is weird, on my case the error happens when the empty object that holds all the MMD Model hierarchy is the active object, if I select the mesh object...
I've created a [release](https://github.com/lordscales91/blender_mmd_tools/releases/tag/v0.5-beta.1) on my forked version of this repository, it includes the fix for this issue, you can download it instead of waiting for @sugiany to integrate it...
Probably this come a bit late, but for your information @powroupi is actively maintaining this project. You can get more information at #53
I know this come late but thanks for your effort. Sadly this project has been abandoned, but it is maintained here https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools/tree/dev_test Sadly the documentation is very outdated. We need...
Sorry but this project is currently not being maintained here. Fortunately there is a very good fork in active development. Check this #53 for more info. PD: About your specific...
Maybe this is designed this way because models may not have English data, this could be changed however to using the English name when available otherwise default to Japanese. I...
@vmJoe Honestly I have no idea of the Blender API, but using my favourite IDE (Eclipse with the PyDev plugin) I performed text-based search to see where the Japanese names...
@Hogarth-MMD From the [API Documentation](http://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_74_5/bpy.props.html?highlight=enumproperty#module-bpy.props): "Custom properties can be added to any subclass of an ID, Bone and PoseBone" A [ShapeKey](http://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_74_5/bpy.types.ShapeKey.html) is a subclass of `bpy_struct` and not ID, so...