Andrew Lord

Results 51 comments of Andrew Lord

I actually included the Mac open command initially, as I use it a lot. However, I wasn't sure how to handle commands that are different on different platforms. Currently, Turtle...

Now that is a very interesting idea.

Fair enough. May as well just add the command like any other then. Not sure the 'MultiplatformCommands' grouping adds much and breaks from the currently technique of grouping commands by...

@jmfayard The open command for Mac is already available in the API via: `files.openFile(...)`.

I would love to see Turtle become a Kotlin multi-platform library. The main constraint is just the time to make the changes, as personally I use Turtle exclusively in Gradle...

Ah okay interesting. I guess I was thinking of JS running in the browser and wasn't thinking of JS for CLI tools, that makes perfect sense. That's really good to...

I'm not keen on a mutable command that actually alters how all the other commands work. I think I would probably instead offer an 'echo' command that can take a...

That is a very fair argument, so will make this issue to add a "dry-run" version for any command. The slight difference, is from your example, Gradle dry-run mode is...

So you are suggesting, dry run would be a mutable mode that you enable and then all the following commands would run using it. There may be a way to... Android bug seems to mention elevation not working correctly with translucent background. It might be related?