looks like happen only in pull mode
I think its happen because sometimes slot updating happen before end recipe check, storedFluids[i] already null and cant be checked, that explain why happen only in auto pull mode, also...
yeah, not fixed, just tested on last nightly
not fixed, just tested newest gt version on special test world and still getting error
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b2OjusnAHqdvmvRpPhZ7OboooeYLrXaR/view?usp=sharing Personal World 180, X: 54, Z: 23, Y: 133 Put in saves and then load mc. On coordinates quadruple wall shared Large Processing Factory, need just turn on them...
Forgot to say, but you need copy world from archive for every test. Looks like bug happen when many fluids switching, also maybe some fluids affect to it. Because i...
try reproduce bug in new world if you can