Cătălin Buruiană
Cătălin Buruiană
Does elevation currently works for the FabToolbar? Will it be implemented?
This also applies to code snippets in **footnotes**, **revisionQuestion**, **practiceQuestion**, not only **content**. All code snippets should have language tags: ``` ``` -> not cool ``` ``` ```javascript -> cool...
Although we can't merge it yet as the content consumer won't know how to parse `standards`, we should make a PR, re-adding them to all insights in Security topic. As...
Standards are the new fancy dandy and meaningful addition to our content. In this issue we can keep track of what exactly has standards on `master` so far: - [...
How can we set what's the default value of this dropdown? Right now it defaults to the first dataset and I would want to see all the datas at once...
Hello. I have a serverless app written in Typescript and compiled using [serverless-bundle](https://www.npmjs.com/package/serverless-bundle). Seems there's a compatibility issue between lumigo and serverless-bundle. When trying to deploy: - first, lumigo wraps...