Jun Ki Min
Jun Ki Min
sounds good to me. Btw, did we decide to use fastai 2.0?
Maybe add this contents to SETUP.md for those who have similar issues.
@vapaunic @jiata @PatrickBue Good point. Not sure if I understand this statement though "single label can have many classes". Correct me if I'm thinking wrong: - When we say 'labeling',...
3.6 is still the most popular version: https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/pl-python/3 but I agree that it's a good time to start thinking about migration. Maybe start running test/build pipelines for both 3.6 and...
Cannot deploy -- "Internal error: Expected value to be neither null nor undefined: resourceTypeData"
No, I just tested and confirmed it happens on VSCode ssh into DSVM host too.
Cannot deploy -- "Internal error: Expected value to be neither null nor undefined: resourceTypeData"
`az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Resources --query "resourceTypes[*].resourceType" --out table` returns nothing on my laptop (WSL). What's the resolution?
@cclinet @Qcactus Can you check this? If you cannot find a time to handle this, let me know.
@Yuqing-cat I confirmed the returned message from the post is `{'message': 'Entity feathr_cog_search_skillset__feature_anchor__f_reviews_text already exists'}` I think we should raise more informative exception w/ the message returned from the post,...
FYI, I dug into the error and found where the issue is coming from: `promptflow.tracing._openai_utils.py.OpenAIMetricsCalculator._get_prompt_tokens_from_messages`, specifically at `prompt_tokens += len(enc.encode(value))`. If I commented out this, the batch run works. I'm...
@miguelgfierro @anargyri let me know if this makes sense.