Lonny Jacobson
Lonny Jacobson
This is my first cut at adding Derby support to GeoDB. I'm creating an extension to Liquibase which required GeoDB for H2 support and I wanted to support Derby as...
I started writing an extension for Liquibase. GeoDB came in useful for H2 but I'd also like to support Derby. I [forked](https://github.com/lonnyj/geodb) the project and have a version that works...
**Describe the bug** Editing a WMS layer in Maps causes Maps to generate WMS URLs without parameters. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 0. Ensure that you have some...
**Describe the bug** After loading a WMS layer in Maps, the BBOX parameter appears to be off by five decimal places and is 100,000 larger than it should be. This...