Long Wang
Long Wang
Hey, Thanks for sharing this! It seems that the code/web/pdf link for the PID (progressive image denoising) is dead.
Hey, Thanks for the great work and releasing the code. I was wondering how to set the ratio(76/64) at the resize part here https://github.com/Yuheng-Li/MixNMatch/blob/21095b3581c7d47f67ed1bb360ca8ac3db6c299f/code/datasets.py#L57 , To extend the work to...
Congrats on the great work! I tried to run the test as the README.md indicated, but had trouble finding the pretrained checkpoint. The folder(using the link:https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/personal/akshay_dudhane_mbzuai_ac_ae/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fakshay%5Fdudhane%5Fmbzuai%5Fac%5Fae%2FDocuments%2FDynamic%5FPre%5FTraining%2Fall%5Fin%5Fone%5Fmodel&ga=1) is empty and there...