love your Ember.js videos, can you pls go further :)
my ifd-68 has the same issue, but 3 leds of Q/W/E still slow flashing. Tried with long press Fn + Q / W / E doesn't bring rapid led flash....
It seems this problem relates to PHP 7.4 which I use for Laravel 8.10. Because when I try to add a `;` to the line 9 of the controller then...
looks like this case same as #51 and my choice was to [remove](https://github.com/Anime4000/RTL960x/issues/51#issuecomment-1803704448) the downstream traffic
I think you can't, since omci is on ISP hands so once the fiber plugged in then omci commands those parameters, including downstream / upstream flow.
In the third commit, I add some minor change to allow query works with postgreSQL but the price to use this version on MySQL is double execute time. I think...
I think you can try with `diag gpon show ds-flow` to identify the downstream flow with multicast traffic. For example, ```sh RTK.0> gpon show ds-flow ============================================================ GPON ONU MAC D/S...
If you are using vim 8.*, you can use native vim packages (:h packages) to create the folder structure under ~/.vim/pack then place the packages to the according folder. After...
you can try to update `Product Class` in settings section to see if the Device Name is updated. (remember to reboot after update)
Got it, I think if the label on your stick is 34G-2C2 (compare to the detail from [gpon-hack](https://hack-gpon.org/ont-odi-realtek-dfp-34g-2c2/)) then it's fine. Just use as usual