Timo B
Timo B
Since the search relies on mysql this isn't that easy. The best solution (in my opinion) would be, to switch the search to scout with a basic provider like tntsearch...
@Yoginth I think you got the question wrong. It is not about the generation of PDF-files. @ITforHome Can you please give some details on how the preview should look? Currently...
@Yoginth yes and no. File attachments are handled by AttachmentController.php (not by the PageController) and Downloads by the [get-method](https://github.com/BookStackApp/BookStack/blob/master/app/Http/Controllers/AttachmentController.php#L188). If you change the Content-Type for all filetypes this will most...
This seems to be still on the roadmap. Dan mentioned this in the [December video](https://youtu.be/ggnTbKmHkRA?si=W7K_IR8ku3PW2koI&t=487) and said that the WYSIWYG editor for the comment system (which is now available) is...