Ola Okelola
Ola Okelola
recently had to manually create the query but it seems like we should generate it the main reason not to is that's it unclear what the source id is ```ts...
we catch errors in observers and do nothing with them. we should provide an opportunity for people to be able to intercept and log the errors https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/pull/1428
right now it's annoying because of the way things work. basically have to drop the edge and recreate it. or hack the edgeType to reuse the old one obviously can't...
useful for migrations or things of that ilk
task to add comment to the top of each generated object about where it's defined: * actions * edges * ents * edge actions * graphql objects etc
* ent implementation should be storage agnostic. it should be a consistent API that clients can implement * will come with 3 implementations out of the box * memory [redundant...
high level way i'm thinking of it is way to move code in observers to a queue and have the queuing system pick up after the mutation would speed up...