Ola Okelola
Ola Okelola
will revert because still seems broken in 5.2.2: https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/compare/move-custom-types?expand=1
steps *after* error 1. `docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml run --rm app tsent alembic heads` to see dependencies ``` description Revision ID: {rev1} Revises: {prev1}, {prev2} Create Date: {date} ``` 2. `docker-compose...
also `graphql-scalars` from https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/pull/1654
I believe it's because the image needs to change too. can you try with the latest image `0.1.0-alpha.48-nodejs-18-dev` update your `develop.Dockerfile`: ```FROM ghcr.io/lolopinto/ent:0.1.0-alpha.48-nodejs-18-dev```
I just updated ent-starter images too
>Are the docs [here](https://ent.dev/docs/custom-graphql/custom-queries) up to date? no :( there's https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/issues/1406 to update them which I haven't done. will get on that soon. it's the latter because I changed it...
>Has the __setRawDBData property been added or removed? Should I end up with it included if things go to plan? yes, you should end up with them
>Should I expect the implementation of generated files to be overwritten as the ent framework evolves? yes why files are broken up into `generated/*` and user editable files. how can...
> not sure what this missing bindings issue is? if you're still seeing them, can you add `DISABLE_SWC=true` in your `docker-compose.dev.yml`? e.g. around https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/blob/main/examples/simple/docker-compose.dev.yml#L16
thanks for going through again. I'm about to release v0.1 and planned to do a documentation refresh around all the issues tagged with `documentation`