Ola Okelola
Ola Okelola
> I'm afraid I've got to bounce for the night - am on holiday and should probably spend some time with my wife :) > > If useful, I've added...
changes I made: * changed tsconfig.json to comment out these two: ``` // "experimentalDecorators": true, // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, ``` ^ related to documentation changes with 5.0 in `organization.ts`: changed from...
can you try with this image `FROM ghcr.io/lolopinto/ent:0.1.0-alpha.49-test1-nodejs-18-dev` i made a small tweak and wanna see if it works? it works for me but i had done some debugging and...
ok, thanks! :(
I've been playing with it for a while and I can't 100% reliably solve it. I think it's something to do with `yarn`
I'm using npm. I'll figure it out with yarn. Was just giving an update so it wouldn't look like I forgot about it.
ok, i played with it even more and i believe i narrowed it down when i had been using this for development, i had been building on an arm64 mac...
i assume you're on a mac? are you on arm64 or amd64? if arm64, can you try this image https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/pkgs/container/ent/107819773?tag=0.1.0-alpha.50-test7-nodejs-18-dev amd64 https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/pkgs/container/ent/107822985?tag=0.1.0-alpha.50-test8-nodejs-18-dev different images because i was testing and faster...
It’s mixins because IIRC, you cannot inherit from multiple base classes in typescript/javascript. Can you come up with examples of your proposal in a gist/playground so that it’s more concrete...
https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/compare/fix-1739?expand=1 kinda works. can't reference base methods in other interface. thoughts?