Lokesh Sanapalli
Lokesh Sanapalli
@mcueto @techdragon doesn't the package "django-auth0-user" worked??
Any update on this ?
I believe this is one of the critical features. It improves and unifies the overall reading experience. May I know if there are any blockers ? or it is not...
@Thibaut > I felt it's not needed because the sidebar already provides a ToC. On most pages, hitting Alt+R will reveal the current entry in the sidebar surrounded by related...
Few examples, where there's a sidebar on the left side and ToC on the right side. https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/getting-started/introduction/ https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/ https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/core.html https://tailwindcss.com/docs/configuration
@purplefishies +1 I too have found the same problem, as documentation says `files, directories, functions or classes`, when I give regex for `directory` it's not obeying it... We need some...
@romansalin the failed checks are not because of code, it's because of interpreter not found
`Slide` object doesn't have `related_parts` attribute, any work around for this??
to those who wants a solution, summing up from above comments there are two solutions Solution 1 ```python new_shape = slide_obj.shapes.add_picture( img_location, Inches(shape_left), Inches(shape_top), Inches(shape_width), Inches(shape_height), ) old_pic = shape_obj._element...